Sunday, December 2, 2007

If you WEREN'T at our second live performance EVER...

Here's a taste of what you missed:

*Steve Kress freezing time and causing mayhem...sometimes

*Emily Neumann, honorary girl, telling her three children that their school was blown up by terrorists...then her children cheered in celebration

*Stephen Winchell calling his buddy from a gameshow...just as his buddy's son was coming out

*Rich Piepho creating the perfect logo: the Nike swoosh with googly eyes

*Sean Rose once again donning those 80's Sunglasses, and once again jerking off a dead man

And, of course, the question that comes up is, why WEREN'T you at our second live performance ever? It was a blast and a half, with great shows from our co-bills HuskyImprov and Agents of Improv.

To those of you who did come, thank you very much for the support. We also love you.

And, as an added treat, here's a picture of Kurt Johnson, our logo, getting attacked by a bunch of other Kurt Johnson robots:

With Love!
Stephen Winchell, on behalf of those other guys in Wilhelm

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